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Make payment via our secure payment platform
To add products to your cart, go to an item sheet and choose your quantity. You have an “Add to cart” button. Just click on it and you're done. It is also possible to add a product from the home page or the category.
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Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw.
For the attention of 123 Créa SRL - Rue du Dossay, 3 - 4020 Wandre - BELGIUM -
I/We (*) hereby notify you of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of goods (*)/for the provision of services (*) below
: ..../..../........
(*) Strike out the useless mention.
Then, a quality check of the goods will be carried out. A second "security" check on the actual receipt of payment and in relation to stolen credit cards will be carried out. If everything is in order and the products are received in perfect condition, the status will change to "Return complete". As soon as this status appears, a refund without penalty, with the exception of return costs, will be made within 15 days of receipt.
For more information, do not hesitate to consult our general conditions of sale or contact us.
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